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TEDx Bern 2016: Demystifying Three Climate Lies

IPCC 5th Assessment Report: (all material available at

Lecture Notes:

  • Stocker, T., 2016, Introduction to Climate Modelling, Spring Semester 2016, University of Bern. 174 pp. (14 MB)

Articles in Reviewed Journals:

  • Pfister, P.L., T.F. Stocker, 2016, Earth System commitments due to delayed mitigation. Environmental Res. Lett. 11, 014010. (1.4 MB)

  • Clark, P.U., J.D. Shakun, S.A. Marcott, A.C. Mix, M. Eby, S. Kulp, A. Levermann, G.A. Milne, P.L. Pfister, B.D. Santer, D.P. Schrag, S. Solomon, T.F. Stocker, B.H. Strauss, A.J. Weaver, R. Winkelmann, D. Archer, E. Bard, A. Goldner, K. Lambeck, R.T. Pierrehumbert, G.-K. Plattner, 2016, Consequences of 21st century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change, Nature Climate Change 6, 360-369. (4.3 MB), Supplementary Material (4.5 MB)

  • Neff, B., A. Born, T.F. Stocker, 2016, An ice sheet model of reduced complexity for paleoclimate studies. Earth Syst. Dyn. 7, 397-418. (10.3 MB)

  • Muthers, S., A. Kucar, A. Stenke, J. Schmitt, J.G. Anet, C.C. Raible, T.F. Stocker, 2016, Stratospheric age of air variations between 1600-2100. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43, (2.5 MB), Supplementary Material (1.5 MB).

  • Stocker, T.F., G.-K. Plattner, 2016, Making use of the IPCC's powerful communication tool. Nature Climate Change 6, 637-638. (0.2 MB)

  • Hallegatte, S., J. Rogelj, M. Allen, L. Clarke, O. Edenhofer, C. Field, P. Friedlingstein, L. van Kesteren, R. Knutti, K.J. Mach, M. Mastrandrea, A. Michel, J. Minx, M. Oppenheimer, G.-K. Plattner, K. Riahi, M. Schaeffer, T.F. Stocker, D.P. van Vuuren, 2016, Mapping the climate change challenge. Nature Climate Change 6, 663-668. (0.3 MB)

  • Born, A., T.F. Stocker, A.B. Sandø, 2016, Transport of salt and freshwater in the Atlantic subpolar gyre. Ocean Dyn. 66, 1051-1064. (8.3 MB)

  • Eicher, O., M. Baumgartner, A. Schilt, J. Schmitt, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker, H. Fischer, 2016, Climatic and insolation control on the high-resolution total air content in the NGRIP ice core. Clim. Past 12, 1979-1993. (6.0 MB)

  • Merz, N., A. Born, C.C. Raible, T.F. Stocker, 2016, Warm Greenland during the last interglacial: the role of regional changes in sea ice cover. Clim. Past 12, 2011-2031. (6 MB)

  • Muthers, S., C.C. Raible, T.F. Stocker, 2016, Response of the AMOC to reduced solar radiation - the modulating role of atmospheric-chemistry. Earth System Dyn. 7, 877-892. (6.1 MB), Supplement (2.2 MB)

Other Articles:

  • Stocker T.F., 2016, IPCC Working Group I: The Swiss contribution from 1988-2014. In: From Weather Observations to Atmospheric and Climate Sciences in Switzerland. Celebrating 100 Years of the Swiss Society for Meteorology (S. Willemse, M. Furger, eds.), 413-438. (1.6 MB)

  • REPORTAGEN EXTRA, The Spirit of Bern, 18.1.2016, p. 1-23. (1.8 MB) :
    K. Kohlenberg, A. Blasberg, Die gekaufte Wahrheit, p. 4-19.
    Interview: "Thomas Stocker, Mister Climate Change im Gespräch", p. 20-23.

  • Stocker T., 2016, Tribüne: Alles andere als innovativ. Der Bund, 18. Februar 2016, 8. (0.6 MB)

  • Kappeler A., 2016, Interview: "Nur ein guter Schweizer sein reicht nicht." Schaffhauser Nachrichten, 18. Februar 2016, 2. (2.4 MB)

  • Künzi E., 2016, Klimawandel: "Wir haben die Wahl" Schaffhauser Nachrichten, 26. Februar 2016, 15. (0.2 MB)

  • Albrich, S., 2016, Interview: "Stocker: Die Klimaskeptiker schmelzen weg wie die Gletscher im Alpenraum" Liechtensteiner Volksblatt , 7. Mai 2016, 12-13. (0.4 MB)

  • Stocker, T., R. Knutti, 2016, Klimaszenarien als Entscheidungshilfe Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 27. Mai 2016, 10. (0.6 MB)

  • Stocker, T., 2016, Solide Wissenschaft für harte Entscheidungen. Festrede anlässlich der 200-Jahr Feier der Schweizerischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften. (1.7 MB)

  • Eberhard, F., 2016, Interview: "Die SVP verbreitet bewusst Falschinformationen" Sonntagszeitung, 12. Juni 2016, 7. (0.5 MB)

  • Zeindler, N., 2016, Interview: "Schlechtwetter im Morgenland" Diners Club Magazine Österreich, 3, 52-54. (0.3 MB)

  • Stocker, T., 2016, Climate Change: A threat to the primary resources of land and water. Nestlé Foundation 50 Anniversary Report 2015, 166-169. (0.4 MB)

  • Petroni, B., 2016, Interview: "Da gibt es keine Alternativen" Berner Oberländer, 10.11.2016, 2. (1 MB)

  • Stocker, T., 2016, Massnahmen erhöhen die Lebensqualität Basler Zeitung, 21.11.2016, 20. (0.2 MB)

  • Plattner, G.-K., A.M. Fischer, T.F. Stocker, 2016, Temperatur. In: Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen, Perspektiven, Swiss Academies Reports 11 (5), 40-45. (4 MB)

  • Plattner, G.-K., T.F. Stocker, C. Marty, J. Nötzli, F. Paul, C. Huggel, 2016, Ozean und Kryosphäre. In: Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen, Perspektiven, Swiss Academies Reports 11 (5), 60-67. (1.2 MB)

  • Schnapp, C., 2016, Interview: "Klima am Abgrund" Sonntag 48, 24-27. (0.4 MB)


Publications Climate and Environmental Physics

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