PUBLICATIONS 1980 - 199218.5.99
[80-92] [93-99] [00-05] [06-11] [12-17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
Articles in Reviewed Journals:
- Stocker T., K. Hutter, 1985, A model for topographic Rossby waves in channels and lakes. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, Nr. 76, ETH Zürich, 154pp. PDF (39.5 MB)
- Stocker T.F., 1987, Topographic waves: Eigenmodes and reflections in lakes and semi-infinite channels. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, Nr. 93, ETH Zürich, 154pp. PDF (36.4 MB)
- Stocker T., K. Hutter, 1987, Topographic Waves in Channels and Lakes on the f-Plane. Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 21, Springer, 173pp.
- Stocker T., K. Hutter, 1986, One-dimensional models for topographic Rossby waves in elongated basins on the f-plane. J. Fluid Mech. 170, 435-459. PDF (43 MB)
- Stocker T., K. Hutter, 1987, Topographic waves in rectangular basins. J. Fluid Mech. 185, 107-120. PDF (25 MB)
- Stocker T., 1988, A numerical study of topographic wave reflection in semi-infinite channels. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 18, 609-618. PDF (24.4 MB)
- Stocker T.F., E.R. Johnson, 1989, Topographic waves in open domains. Part 2: Bay modes and resonances. J. Fluid Mech. 200, 77-93. PDF (25 MB)
- Wright D.G., T.F. Stocker, L.A. Mysak, 1990, A note on Quaternary climate models using Boolean delay equations. Climate Dyn. 4, 263-267. PDF (0.5 MB)
- Stocker T.F., E.R. Johnson, 1991, The trapping and scattering of topographic waves by estuaries and headlands. J. Fluid Mech. 222, 501-524. PDF (39 MB)
- Stocker T.F., D.G. Wright, 1991, Rapid transitions of the ocean's deep circulation induced by changes in the surface water fluxes. Nature 351, 729-732. PDF (8.9 MB)
- Wright D.G., T.F. Stocker, 1991, A zonally averaged ocean model for the thermohaline circulation. Part I: Model development and flow dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 21, 1713-1724. PDF (32.5 MB)
- Stocker T.F., D.G. Wright, 1991, A zonally averaged ocean model for the thermohaline circulation. Part II: Interocean circulation in the Pacific-Atlantic basin system. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 21, 1725-1739. PDF (35.8 MB)
- Stocker T.F., L.A. Mysak, 1992, Climatic fluctuations on the century timescale: a review of high-resolution proxy-data. Climatic Change 20, 227-250. PDF (41 MB)
- Stocker T.F., D.G. Wright, L.A. Mysak, 1992, A zonally averaged, coupled ocean-atmosphere model for paleoclimate studies. J. Climate 5, 773-797. PDF (61.7 MB)
- Wright D.G., T.F. Stocker, 1992, Sensitivities of a zonally averaged global ocean circulation model. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 12707-12730. PDF (63.2 MB)
- Stocker T.F., D.G. Wright, W.S. Broecker, 1992, Influence of high-latitude surface forcing on the global thermohaline circulation. Paleoceanogr. 7, 529-541. PDF (30.2 MB)
Other Articles and Reports (English):
- Stocker T., K. Hutter, 1990, Qualitative aspects of topographic waves in closed basins, gulfs and channels. In: Modeling Marine Systems , A.M. Davies (ed), 1, CRC Press, 255-289. PDF (52 MB)
- Wright D.G., T.F. Stocker, 1990, A zonally averaged ocean model for the thermohaline circulation. Centre for Climate and Global Change Research Report No. 90-13, 90 pp. PDF (0.8 MB)
- Stocker T.F., Wright D.G., L.A. Mysak, 1992, A coupled, zonally averaged atmosphere-ocean model: variations of the thermohaline circulation. International Conference on the Role of the Polar Regions in Global Change: Proceedings. G. Weller, C.L. Wilson, B.A.B. Severin (eds.), University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 291-295.
- Stocker T.F., W.S. Broecker, 1992, North Atlantic Deep Water Formation. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73 , 202-203. PDF (0.3 MB)
Artikel in Deutsch:
- Stocker T., 1980, Modellrechnungen zu den Spannungsverteilungen in der Schneedecke verursacht durch Skifahrer und Pistenfahrzeuge. Eidgenössisches Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung, Weissfluhjoch-Davos, Interner Bericht No. 584,1-25. (PDF 6 MB)
- Stocker T., T. Blunier, B. Stauffer, 1995, 250'000 Jahre Klimageschichte aus dem ewigen Eis. info2, Bull. der Abt. II des Schweiz. Nationalfonds, 1,5-10.
- Stocker T., T. Blunier, 1995, 250'000 Jahre Klimageschichte aus dem ewigen Eis. Unipress Interne Mitt. der Universität Bern, April 1, 16-17.
- Stocker T., 1995, Effekte ozeanischer Wärmepumpen. Schweizerische Technische Zeitschrift, 10 , 50-53.
- Schotterer U., T. Stocker, J. Hunziker, P. Buttet, J.-P. Tripet, 1995, Isotope im Wasserkreislauf. Gas-Wasser-Abwasser, 9, 714-720.
- Stocker T., I. Knoepfel, A. Arquit Niederberger, K. Meyer, 1996, Sozio-ökonomische Aspekte der Klima-Irreversibilität. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 143, 29.
- Stocker, T., 1996, Klimaschwankungen und Kohlenstoffkreislauf. In: CO2 - Eine Herausforderung für die Menschheit, P. Gehr, C. Kost, G. Stephan (eds.), Springer, 15-29.
- Davies H., B. Messerli, H. Oeschger, A. Ohmura, C. Schär, T. Stocker, H. Thierstein, H. Wanner, 1997, Irritationen in der Klimaforschung, Briefe and die NZZ. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 286, 63.
- Stocker T., 1998, Von der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft. In: Klimarisiken - Herausforderung für die Schweiz. S. Bader, P. Kunz (ed.) Wissenschaftlicher Schlussbericht NFP-31, vdf Hochschulverlag, ETH Zürich, 68-77.
- Stocker, T., B. Stauffer, H. Loosli, 1998, Ein Pionier der Umweltphysik - Zum Tode von Hans Oeschger (1927-1998). Neue Zürcher Zeitung 302, 12, 30.12.1998. (PDF 0.1 MB)
- Appenzeller C., T. Stocker, 1999, Der Atlantik - Klimaschaukel und Klimajoker. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 79, 75.