[80-92] [93-99] [00-05] [06-11] [12-17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
Lecture Notes:
- please see Lecture Notes
Articles in Reviewed Journals:
- Brunet, G., D. B. Parsons, D. Ivanov, B. Lee, P. Bauer, N. B. Bernier, V. Bouchet, A. Brown, A. Busalacchi, G. C. Flatter, R. Goffer, P. Davies, B. Ebert, K. Gutbrod, S. Hong, P.K. Kenabatho, H.-J. Koppert, D. Lesolle, A. H. Lynch, J.-F. Mahfouf, L. Ogallo, T. Palmer, K. Petty, D. Schulze, T. G. Shepherd, T. F. Stocker, A. Thorpe, R. Yu, 2023, Advancing weather and climate forecasting for our changing world, Bull. American Meteorological Society, (1.6 MB).
- Pöppelmeier, F., A. Jeltsch-Thömmes, J. Lippold, F. Joos, T.F. Stocker, 2023, Multi-proxy constraints on Atlantic circulation dynamics since the last ice age. Nature Geoscience 16, 349-356. (3.3 MB).
News & Views: H. Kilbourne, 2023, A current take on past overturning. Nature Geoscience 16 (1 MB).
- Schwander, J., T.F. Stocker, R. Walther, S. Marending, 2023, Progress of the RADIX (Rapid Access Drilling and Ice eXtraction) fast-access drilling system. The Cryosphere 17, 1151-1164. (16.2 MB).
- Shi, X.S., H. Xiao, Liu, W.F., K.S. Lackner, V. Buterin, T.F.Stocker, 2023, Confronting the carbon-footprint challenge of blockchain. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 1403-1410. (5.4MB).
- Pöppelmeier, F., D. Baggenstos, M. Grimmer, Z. Liu, J. Schmitt, H. Fischer, T.F. Stocker, 2023, The effect of past saturation changes on noble gas reconstructions of mean ocean temperature. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2022GL102055. (1.5MB).
- Wood, R.A., M. Crucifix, T.M. Lenton, K.J. Mach, C. Moore, M. New, S. Sharpe, T.F. Stocker, R.T. Sutton, 2023, A climate science toolkit for high impact-low likelihood climate risks. Earth's Future 11, e2022EF003369. (0.6MB).
- Mulvaney, R., E.W. Wolff, M.M. Grieman, H.H. Hoffmann, J.D. Humby, C. Nehrbass-Ahles, R.H. Rhodes, I.F. Rowell, F. Parrenin, L. Schmidely, H. Fischer, T.F. Stocker, M. Christl, R. Muscheler, A. Landais, F. Prié, 2023, The ST22 chronology for the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core - Part 2: An age model to the last interglacial and disturbed deep stratigraphy. Climate of the Past, 19, 851-864. (4.1 MB).
- Mavrot, C., F. Sager, M. Hinterleitner, D. Kaufmann, M. Grosjean, T.F. Stocker, 2023, Quelle communication scientifique dans la lutte contre le changement climatique? LIEPP Policy Brief #63, 1-8. (1.2 MB).
- Sutter, J., A. Jones, T.L. Frölicher, C. Wirths, T.F. Stocker, 2023, Climate intervention on a high-emission pathway could delay but not prevent West Antarctic Ice Sheet demise. Nature Climate Change 13, 1-20. (63.6 MB).
- Pöppelmeier, F. Joos, T.F. Stocker, 2023, The coupled ice sheet-Earth system model Bern3D v3.0. J. Climate 36, 7563-7582. (52 MB).
- Hoefler, T., B. Stevens, A.F. Prein, J. Baer, T. Schulthess, T.F. Stocker, J. Taylor, D. Klocke, P. Manninen, P.M. Forster, T. Kölling, N. Gruber, H. Anzt, C. Frauen, F. Ziemen, M. Klöwer, K. Kashinath, C. Schär, O. Fuhrer, B.N. Lawrence, 2023, Earth Virtualization Engines: A Technical Perspective. Computing in Science & Engineering 25, 50-59. (1 MB).
Other Articles or Material:
- Boss, S., 2023, Interview: "Klimaschutz muss regional sein". Surprise Strassenmagazin 541/23, 14-15. (0.4 MB).
- Läubli, M., 2023, Interview: "Das ist eine Hetzkampagne gegen die Wissenschaft". Der Bund 31.5.2023, 27. (0.9 MB).
- Stocker T., 2023, Ansprache zur Masterfeier, Departement Physik, ETH Zürich, 23.6.2023. deutsch, english.
- Rauch, R., 2023, Interview: "Der Klimaschutz löst bei einigen Verlustängste aus". SonntagsBlick 16.7.2023, 18-19. (0.7 MB).
- Rauch, R., 2023, Interview: "Der Klimaschutz löst bei einigen Verlustängste aus. Das schlachtet die SVP aus". Internetausgabe SonntagsBlick 16.7.2023. (2.8 MB).
- Frey, A., 2023, Interview: "Wie das Klima früher war". Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung 24.11.203. (1.9 MB).