pulse response function
for the calculation of Global Warming Potentials: a multi-model analysis
The results of this multi-model analysis has been published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: link
Pre-processed timeseries of all the models (as shown in the figures of the manuscript) are available as zip-files:
100 GtC present day
100 GtC preindustrial
5000 GtC preindustrial
The coefficients of the fits to the individual models (present day IRF):
4 significant digits (as tabulated in the manuscript)
5 significant digits
6 significant digits
If you encounter any problems or if you have questions, please contact
The data should be cited as:
Joos, F., Roth, R., Fuglestvedt, J. S.,
Peters, G. P., Enting, I. G., von Bloh, W., Brovkin, V., Burke, E. J.,
Eby, M., Edwards, N. R., Friedrich, T., Frölicher, T. L.,
Halloran, P. R., Holden, P. B., Jones, C., Kleinen, T.,
Mackenzie, F. T., Matsumoto, K., Meinshausen, M., Plattner, G.-K.,
Reisinger, A., Segschneider, J., Shaffer, G., Steinacher, M.,
Strassmann, K., Tanaka, K., Timmermann, A., and Weaver, A. J.: Carbon
dioxide and climate impulse response functions for the computation of
greenhouse gas metrics: a multi-model analysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13,
2793-2825, doi:10.5194/acp-13-2793-2013, 2013
the page has been updated: 08.03.2013