Current MSc students
Flavia Bindschedler, University of Bern: Flavia's thesis focusses on O-17 measurements for H2O, O2 and CO2.
Kevin Churchil Oluoch, University of Eldoret: Kevin is undertaking his MSc thesis as part of the N2O-SSA project. His thesis title is "Fate of N-fertilizer in maize monocrop systems".
Current BSc students
Filip Zürcher, University of Bern: Filip's thesis is looking at seasonal cycles and long term trends in CO2 and O2/N2 concentrations at the Jungfraujoch, to understand variability in the carbon budget.
Maxine Jahn, University of Bern: Maxine's thesis focusses on the topic `Using 14C measurements of CO2 to understand the carbon budget at Jungfraujoch high alpine observatory'.