Ongoing projects
N2O-SSA: Combining measurements, modelling and machine learning to improve N2O accounting for sustainable agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa, SNF Project Grant: PI Dr. Eliza Harris, 2022-2026 (200021_207348, 660 564 CHF)
CRAN: Chemiresistive sensors for effective Agricultural N management and N2O mitigation, World Food System Centre (ETHZ) / Fenaco research program on Smart Sustainable Farming: Co-PIs Dr. Eliza Harris, Prof. Máté Bezdek, 2024-2026
CRAPAE: Building Climate Resilient mixed crop-livestock and Agro Pastoral farming systems in Elgeyo Marakwet County through AgroEcology: Quantification, reduction and community sensitization on greenhouse gas emissions, RUFORUM Graduate Research Grants program, PI Dr. Abigael Otinga, 01.10.2023 30.09.2025
TimeFRAME: A Bayesian Mixing Model to Unravel Isotopic Data and Quantify Trace Gas Production and Consumption Pathways for Timeseries Data: Github repository
Completed projects
NitroTrace: Using isotopes to trace the effects of climate extremes on N2O emissions and the nitrogen cycle in managed grasslands, Austrian Science Foundation / Land Tirol stand-alone project grant: PI Dr. Eliza Harris, 2018-2022 (363 454€)
State-space modelling for a unified understanding of N2O emissions across soil and aqueous systems, SNF Scientific Exchange Grant for Dr. Eliza Harris to visit Lincoln University (host: Dr. Naomi Wells, Prof. Tim Clough), New Zealand, 11-12.2022 (SNF IZSEZ0_211196, 11 367 CHF)
Identifying drivers of N2O emissions in a changing climate, OECD Cooperative Research Program for Sustainable Agriculture fellowship for Dr. Eliza Harris to visit the University of Melbourne (host: Prof. Peter Rayner), Australia, 12.2020-04.2021 (12 365€)
Unified data and metadata management for ecological research and education at the University of Innsbruck: Moving towards the big data era, University of Innsbruck funding for Digital Innovation in Research and Teaching: PI Dr. Eliza Harris, 2019-2020 (24 698€)
Global N2O Cycle: Assessment of the global N2O budget based on seasonal and long-term isotope measurements at Jungfraujoch and the Cape Grim Air Archive, SNF Project Grant: PI Dr. Joachim Mohn, 2017-2020