The Swiss network of the Integrated Carbon Observation System
The Integrated Carbon Observation System Research Infrastructure (ICOS RI) produces standardized and openly available greenhouse gas data throughout Europe, from over 170 measurement stations across 16 countries. The stations are rooted in three domains: Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean. Currently, ICOS Switzerland contributes to ICOS RI with three measurements stations which are unique in terms of station history, location and integration into national and international research programmes: one Atmosphere station (Jungfraujoch) and one Ecosystem station (Davos), both of which are Class 1 stations, i.e., highest standards apply. The third station is an urban station in Basel and has been certified as Associated Ecosystem station in 2024. All three stations are continously measuring greenhouse gases for more than 20 years and are therefore pioneers in their research fields. With these three unique measurements stations and the exceptional geographical location in the central part of the Alps, ICOS Switzerland is an out-standing node within the ICOS RI network since its beginning in 2008.
The ICOS Switzerland consortium consists of project members from ETH Zurich (National Focal Point), Empa, WSL, University of Bern, University of Basel, and MeteoSwiss. It has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, in-house contributions, and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation since 2013 (Phase 1: 2013–2017; Phase 2: 2017–2021, Phase 3: 2021-2025, Phase 4: 2025-2029). The University of Bern ICOS team is responsible for discrete flask sampling at Jungfraujoch, which is used for measurements of numerous components including CO2 isotopic composition, as well as O2/N2 measurements in both flasks and online.
ICOS-Switzerland: a) ICOS Atmosphere Station Jungfraujoch (Photo: Peter Baracchi). b) Fisheye View of urban ICOS Ecosystem Station Basel (Photo: Michael Schmutz). c) ICOS Ecosystem Station Davos (Photo: Matthias Paintner).
Project team
Climate and Environmental Science, University of Bern: Prof. Dr. Eliza Harris (Project PI), Dr. Vasileios Mandrakis
ICOS Switzerland Focal Point (Project lead): Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann
ICOS Switzerland Coordinator (Project coordination): Dr. Susanne Burri
Website: www.icos-switzerland.ch
Text adapted from the ICOS-CH media kit.